Monday 5 November 2012

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali to all my viewers and all my students.

Dear all my beloved students,
now mlsu university udaipur has also changed old exam patterns. and removed internal exam pattern for many student. for mor review mlsu information. now mlsu has started 50-50 % BASED SCHEME 50 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION AND 50% MARKS FOR WRITTEN QUESTION. 2 QUESTION FROM EVERY UNIT. SO THERE BE 10 QUESTION AND STUDENTS HAVE TO ATTEND 5( ONE FROM EACH UNIT). SO all my student my forhcomng edition will help you.

best of luck..............!
       Daulat Singh(NET/ SET GEOGRAPHY )

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Physical Geography -1

My first edition for mlsu student will be before 15 October this year. it is totally based on many power ful factor such as:
  1. last year solved paper with explanation.
  2. multiple choice question with explanation.
  3. 300-400 word based answer for part 2
My new books are:
  1. for mlsu B.A. first year Geography both paper first and second.
  2. for mlsu B.A.second year Geography for both paper
  3. for mlsu B.A. final year on year 2013
My few more edition for following category:
  1. for first grade school lecturer . exam will be conducted by rpsc . specially based on multiple choice questions.
  2. for college lecturer  exam will be conducted by rpsc . specially based on multiple choice questions.
  3. for ugc NET/SET geography before next year.

Monday 16 July 2012

Geography books for B.A. 1st year and 2nd year students of mohanlal sukhadiya university(mlsu), Udaipur

My new unique collection totally based on mcq type (multiple choice questions). it will be available before October this year 

Thursday 28 June 2012


A good news for those candidates who are preparing for NET/JRF, SET and many other examination in that MCQ TYPE QUESTIONS are taken. We are preparing a set of Geography books, in all branches of Geography. Specially PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY(Geomorphology, climatology & oceanography), Geographical thoughts, Economic Geography, Indian Geography and Geography of Rajasthan. These sets are totally in single book. So keep wathcing my blogs to get it. We expect your success. Best of luck!